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Friends of the HP Library

Building Community, Connecting People

The Friends of the Harrington Park Public Library organized in 1991 after the library was municipalized and an expansion doubling the library’s size was completed.  Proceeds from fundraising sales and events were used to supplement the budget of the new public library, which had a debt of $100,000 after the construction. The monies raised by the Friend continue to be used for library purchases that are outside the library’s annual budget.

As important as the funds raised, the Friends have a more vital role to the Library.  Many H.P. residents have been introduced to the Library through programs offered by the Friends.  Among the Friends most popular events are the WHITE ELEPHANT SALE, COLORING FOR ADULTS, & WINE TASTING.

Lynne Warshavsky, President
Denise Reeves, Vice President
Carol Kiernan, Treasurer
Sharon Gross, Fundraising

Winnie the Pooh and friends

The Harrington Park Public Library is committed to providing materials, information, services and programs to inform, educate, and enrich the lives of our residents.  We strive to do this in a welcoming environment as we embrace technology and other means of delivering our services within our budgetary constraints.



Director Judy Heldman


Website sponsored by HP5K Fall Spectacular

© 2016 Harrington Park Public Library


Website Created by: Laurie Meeske

Harrington Park Public Library
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