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The library has 6 public use computers with internet access.  Use of these computers implies agreement/acceptance of the library’s Internet Use Policy.

Wifi Access

The Library maintains a wireless network for our patron’s convenience.  Use of this network implies agreement/acceptance of the library’s Wi-Fi Access Policy.


2 free pages then $ .10 per page.


$ .10 per page


$1.00 per page incoming and outgoing.  $ .50 per page after 10 pages.


There is no charge for scanning at this time.

Delivery for the Home Bound

The Harrington Park Public Library offers a Home Bound service for patrons confined to their homes for an extended period because of illness or physical handicap.  The Library makes available books, magazines, and audio-visual materials and delivers once a week to the homes of those unable to come to the Library.  
Those eligible for home-bound service must be Harrington Park residents and have no one available in the household to come to the Library for them.  Shut-in patrons are issued a special card to be held in the library and are subject to the same loan periods and to replacement charges for lost or missing items as other library patrons.  Patrons needing this service might be asked to leave their materials by the door.  Those who are temporarily disabled may also be eligible for the service.

The Harrington Park Public Library is committed to providing materials, information, services and programs to inform, educate, and enrich the lives of our residents.  We strive to do this in a welcoming environment as we embrace technology and other means of delivering our services within our budgetary constraints.



Director Judy Heldman


Website sponsored by HP5K Fall Spectacular

© 2016 Harrington Park Public Library


Website Created by: Laurie Meeske

Harrington Park Public Library
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